Zero Risk with Zero Export

Published on May 6, 2016

Zero export systems (also called limited export) can greatly simplify the connection and approval process for grid-connected PV.

SMA Australia has prepared a technical information sheet to help installers navigate SMA solutions for active power control. In this information sheet, the solutions are categorised by plant size with required accessories identified, along with a shortlist of utilities which have approved the use of SMA zero export solutions on their network.

Note: while the lower limit of active power control for systems with AC coupled battery inverters remains at 10 per cent, there will be new firmware released later in 2016 that will allow this value to be set to zero per cent.

What are the benefits of zero export?

Zero export control can allow for:

  • Larger PV systems to be installed.
  • Simplified design where oversizing becomes more cost-effective.
  • Potentially avoid extensive grid studies and NVD.
  • Standardized commercial PV system offering.
  • Reduction in application processing time.